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      Heating knowledge of hot water boiler

      A hot water boiler is a thermal equipment that uses the heat released by the combustion of fuel to heat the water in the container to make the water reach the required temperature (hot water). It is a whole composed of boiler body accessory instrument and ancillary equipment. The boiler is operated at the same time in the boiler and the furnace. After the raw water enters the boiler, the heating surface of the boiler transfers the absorbed heat to the water, and heats the water to a certain temperature for the user to produce and use for heating. The burner continuously burns the fuel and emits heat continuously, and the high temperature flue gas generated during the combustion can transfer the heat to the heating surface of the boiler through the heat transmission, and the temperature itself gradually decreases and is discharged through the chimney. The boiler and the furnace work by division of labor, one absorbs heat and the other releases heat. The cooperation between them is an integral device that is closely linked, and neither is indispensable.
      The hot water boiler is powered by a circulating pump during operation. The water is continuously circulated, and all the heat absorbed by the heating surface is continuously transferred to the raw water, so that the heating surface is well cooled, and the temperature of the water is accelerated, thus ensuring the safety of the heating surface of the boiler under high temperature conditions. Work. In order to ensure the quality and safety of the boiler, it is necessary to choose a boiler produced by a regular gas-fired hot water boiler manufacturer, so that the quality can be guaranteed and the after-sales service can be guaranteed.
      2022/01/18 09:06:01 466

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