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      What are the precautions for installing pressure gauges in boilers

      As one of the key components of the boiler, the pressure gauge is mainly used to accurately measure the working pressure of the boiler. Whether it is its design or its installation, it will immediately cause great harm to the normal operation of the boiler. Therefore, it is necessary to point out to us every installation of the pressure gauge in the boiler.
      Each boiler must be installed with a pressure gauge that is immediately connected to the steam chamber space of the drum, and the key positions such as the outlet of the boiler economizer, the outlet of the heat exchanger, and the main steam valve should be installed before the water supply and drainage control valve. Install a suitable pressure gauge.
      As a classic high-pressure vessel, the boiler should be equipped with a water trap at the handle of its pressure gauge, so that steam can be cooled in this elbow to prevent high-temperature steam from directly entering the torsion reed tube of the pressure gauge. , the components in the gauge will be deformed due to excessive temperature, which will endanger the precision of the pressure gauge.
      At the same time, if the water storage on the boiler pressure gauge is a seamless steel pipe, its nominal diameter cannot be less than 10mm. In addition, a three-way cock is also provided between the pressure gauge and the water trap, which is convenient for purging the pipeline, unloading and replacing, and checking the pressure gauge.
      Then it is necessary to mark the corresponding warning red line on the inner diameter gauge of the pressure gauge according to the allowable working pressure range of the boiler. It should be noted that the warning red line should not be immediately drawn on the laminated glass of the pressure gauge to prevent the laminated glass from rotating. It can create false impressions and even lead to safety accidents.
      For the part where the pressure gauge is installed on the boiler, there must be sufficient lighting, which is conducive to the inspection and detection of the operator. It is necessary to avoid the hazards of heat radiation, ultra-low temperature and vibration of the pressure gauge. In order to facilitate the disassembly and verification of the pressure gauge, a three-way cock should be placed between the pressure gauge and the pressure-bearing machinery and equipment.
      2022/01/21 10:01:38 590

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